Thursday, June 2, 2016

Zika Baby born in New Jersey
1.WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2016 A woman from Honduras who apparently became infected with the Zika virus in her home country gave birth Tuesday in a New Jersey hospital to a baby girl with the birth defect characteristic of the disease.
2.This is the second known case of a baby born with Zika-related birth defects in the United States. The first baby was born in Hawaii.
Doctors first examined the mother when she came to the medical center Friday. Ultrasound screening revealed the baby had "significant microcephaly," he said. Babies with microcephaly have small brains and heads.
3.the 31-year-old mother knew she was infected with the virus before coming  to visit relatives in New Jersey. Scans performed late last week showed the girl was underweight for her gestational age. So doctors delivered the baby through a C-section. On Monday, U.N. health officials recommended that women planning to become pregnant should wait at least eight weeks before trying to conceive if they or their partner live in -or are returning from- areas where the Zika virus infections are occurring. The vast majority of Zika infections have occurred in Latin America, with Brazil the hot zone with an estimated 5,000 cases of microcephaly, there have been  no reports on the Zika-induced microcephaly contracting in the U.S. But it Zika infections are sure to come up in Gulf Coast states like Florida, Louisiana, and Texas since it is mosquitos season. Mosquito bites remain the most common source of infection of the Zika virus.

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